I love "sayings". if you've been following the Centa Partners journey you would have seen a few of mine.
One I like to share with my leadership teams is "Get Comfortable being Uncomfortable"
Growth is though, change is tough, it's even tougher when the people around you don't have the right mindset to invite change and challenge.
Building Centa Partners also requires me to get comfortable being uncomfortable but not in a way I'd expected.
Prospecting for new clients is typically what other consultants mention when I’ve shared my experience with them. Although I’m a salesperson by trade, it doesn’t make rejection any easier, but I’m a little more battle-hardened.
Its the silence, as an executive there was always noise, e-mail's or calls to respond too, 1on1s with my team, preparation for board meetings and responding to a new idea or crisis.
But now there is none of that, the noise I hear is when I make it sharing the value of Centa Partners.
So here's me getting comfortable with the silence, but hopefully not too comfortable………